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23 September 2024 - 24 September 2024
Copenhagen, Denmark
Nordic Innovation Fair 2024
Register now
Open until 18 September 2024

Programme for Nordic Innovation Fair 2024

23 September:
TTO Networkshop*
Investor Reception**
Networking Dinner***

24 September:

Main Event

*Academic Partners Workshop:
The Academic Partners Workshop is only for TTOs from Nordic research institutions. Registration for the workshop will be available through the registration process. For inquiries regarding the workshop, please reach out to nordicinnovationfair@adm.ku.dk.

**Investor Reception:
The Investor Reception is only for Investors. Registration for the reception will be available through the registration process. For inquiries regarding the reception, please reach out to nordicinnovationfair@adm.ku.dk.

***Networking Dinner:
Once your participation at NIF has been confirmed and your profile is activated, you will receive an email invitation to attend the Networking Dinner. To participate, please follow the instructions provided in the email. The cost is 250 DKK (33€), non-refundable. 

Due to limited seating (270 persons), only one attendee per spin-out is permitted at the dinner.

Copenhagen, Denmark
Organised by
Denmark 135
Finland 36
Sweden 14
Norway 8
Germany 3
United Kingdom 3
Cyprus 2
Netherlands 2
France 2
Spain 1
Switzerland 1
Belgium 1
Italy 1
Singapore 1
Bulgaria 1
Total 211