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23 September 2024 - 24 September 2024
Copenhagen, Denmark
Nordic Innovation Fair 2024
Register now
Open until 18 September 2024


At Nordic Innovation Fair, all exhibitors participate with a poster presenting their business opportunity. The posters are on show for all participants to visit throughout the day on 24 September.

Important: Exhibitors must be available by their poster at a minimum for the ‘Poster Exhibition’ session and in general as much as possible.

Poster Templates for Downloads

Please find the poster templates applicable for the event below. Be aware not to change the header and footer, font size, colour, and margins and follow the instructions in the template. For content, please fill in the headlines descriptions; teams, IP-rights, etc.

Fill out the poster template in collaboration with your TTO and choose the most suitable category for your invention:

Biotech & Pharma Template

Medtech & Diagnostics Template

Greentech & Food Template

Quantum, AI & Digital Template

Poster Upload Deadline

Upload your poster on ‘My Profile; Organizers Questions’ in ppt format no later than 28 August 2024. The organising team will print the poster and put them on display.

It is not possible to bring your own poster for the fair. The organising team does not take responsibility for printing posters that are not uploaded correctly or after the deadline.

If you have any questions regarding the posters, feel free to contact Kasper Malling Kjer from Nordic Innovation Fair at kmk@adm.ku.dk.

All posters will be available online on Nordic Innovation Fair's website after the event.

Poster Award

At Nordic Innovation Fair, there will be an award for the best poster.

In 2023, Volumeer from Karolinska Institutet Innovations (SE) won the award. Take a look at their winning poster here.

Copenhagen, Denmark
Organised by
Denmark 135
Finland 36
Sweden 14
Norway 8
Germany 3
United Kingdom 3
Cyprus 2
Netherlands 2
France 2
Spain 1
Switzerland 1
Belgium 1
Italy 1
Singapore 1
Bulgaria 1
Total 211